• Saturday, 15 March 2025

Tangani Persoalan Harga Tiket Pesawat Mahal, Erick Thohir Bentuk PMO

Tangani Persoalan Harga Tiket Pesawat Mahal, Erick Thohir Bentuk...

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mendorong pembentukan tim Project Management Officer (PMO) sebagai...

Kunjungi Borobudur, Menteri BUMN Pastikan Situs Warisan Budaya Dikelola Berbasis Spiritual, Budaya, dan Edukasi

Kunjungi Borobudur, Menteri BUMN Pastikan Situs Warisan Budaya Di...

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir saat mengunjungi Candi Borobudur, Jawa Tengah ingin melihat proses pengembangan kawasan terseb...

Bukti Erick Thohir Konsisten Utamakan Kesehatan Mental Karyawan BUMN, Gelar Roadshow 1000 Manusia Bercerita di Jawa Barat

Bukti Erick Thohir Konsisten Utamakan Kesehatan Mental Karyawan B...

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir menunjukan konsistensinya dalam mengutamakan kesehatan mental atau...

Erick Thohir Dorong Influencer BUMN Kuasai Ketrampilan Digital, Sukses Gelar Workshop ke-10 di Jawa Barat

Erick Thohir Dorong Influencer BUMN Kuasai Ketrampilan Digital, S...

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir mendorong para karyawan BUMN untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam bidang...

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir Ungkap Potensi RI di Ekonomi Digital Saat Resmikan Kolaborasi PT Pos Indonesia dan TikTok

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir Ungkap Potensi RI di Ekonomi Digital Sa...

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir optimis pertumbuhan ekonomi digital Indonesia berkembang pesat. Termasuk saat hadiri kolaboras...

Yayasan BUMN dan Temasek Foundation Tandatangani MoU Partnership Agreement, Dukung Transformasi Keberlanjutan dan Kesehatan

Yayasan BUMN dan Temasek Foundation Tandatangani MoU Partnership...

Yayasan BUMN bekerja sama dengan Temasek Foundation untuk mencapai visi dan misi terkait keberlanjutan transformasi ling...

Explore Nusantara
Sumba Crowned Asia’s Top Travel Destination for 2025 by Time Out

Sumba Crowned Asia’s Top Travel Destination for 2025 by Time Out

How to Get to Ragunan Zoo Using KRL, Transjakarta, and LRT

Ragunan Zoo is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Jakarta.

Exploring the Harmonious Culture of the Mentawai Tribe: The Oldes...

Known for its rich culture and unique traditions, one of the most interesting things about the Mentawai tribe is their traditional tattoo art, called TikTik.

Mount Semeru Shuts Down for Climbers Until January 16

The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) decided to temporarily close the Mount Semeru climbing route on January 2-16, 2025.

KAI Wisata Introduces Panoramic Train on Mutiara Timur Route

Starting December 24, 2024, PT Kereta Api Pariwisata (KAI Wisata) launches the Panoramic Train as part of the Mutiara Timur service.

Insight Indonesia
Government Plans To Have 5000 Heads of SPPG for Makan Bergizi Gratis

Government Plans To Have 5000 Heads of SPPG for Makan Bergizi Gratis

Indonesia Records Lowest Annual Inflation in December 2024

Indonesia hit the lowest annual inflation in its history at 1.57 percent in December 2024, according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Thursday (2/1).

President Prabowo to Build School for Underprivileged and Extreme...

This program will be tested at three points in the Greater Jakarta area and will prioritize students from poor families and the extreme poor.

2024 State Budget Closed Relatively Healthy and Safe, Minister of...

The 2024 State Budget (APBN) was closed relatively healthily and safely. That way, this condition can be a strong provision to enter 2025.

Government and DPR Asked to Make Breakthroughs to Make 2025 Hajj...

The government and the DPR are expected to set the cost of the 2025 Hajj cheaper than the previous year.