Mengenang 20 Tahun Tragedi Gempa dan Tsunami di Aceh
Gempa dan tsunami terjadi di Aceh pada tahun 2004 silam. Tak terasa sudah 20 tahun bencana menimpa bumi Serambi Mekkah.
Gempa dan tsunami terjadi di Aceh pada tahun 2004 silam. Tak terasa sudah 20 tahun bencana menimpa bumi Serambi Mekkah.
Negara Vanuatu yang dihantam gempa bumi ternyata memiliki keunikan yang tak dimiliki negara lain di dunia.
empa berkekuatan 7,3 SR terjadi hanya 30 km di lepas pantai ibukota Vanuatu, Port Vila, Selasa (17/12), memicu tanah lon...
Gempa Gorontalo terjadi pada Selasa (24/9) dengan 6,4 magnitudo. Tak berptensi tsunami.
Korban gempa Bandung akan mendapat bantuan uang untuk menyewa rumah sementara selama beberapa bulan.
PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) membatalkan 14 perjalanan Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh akibat gempa bersk...
President Director of PT Transjakarta Welfizon Yuza confirmed that all Transjakarta buses will begin operations at 09.00 WIB on the first day of Eid al-Fitr.
History of the Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Which is Believed to be Built in One Night!
Indonesian Tradition: Buy New Clothes to Celebrate Ied and Tanah Abang Market is The Favorite Place to Hunt with Affordable Price
Aside from fasting, Ramadan also brings unique traditions held by countries around the world, here are five of them.
Indonesia hit the lowest annual inflation in its history at 1.57 percent in December 2024, according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Thursday (2/1).
This program will be tested at three points in the Greater Jakarta area and will prioritize students from poor families and the extreme poor.
The 2024 State Budget (APBN) was closed relatively healthily and safely. That way, this condition can be a strong provision to enter 2025.
The government and the DPR are expected to set the cost of the 2025 Hajj cheaper than the previous year.
The State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry is testing the implementation of a four-day workweek. This was shared on Instagram @lifeatkbumn on Saturday (6/8).
More Than 2000 Travelers Join The Free Eid Homecoming Program Organized by Telkomgroup
South Korean girl group NewJeans will perform at the 2023 Billboard Music Awards on November 19.